Dungeons and Dragons Camp: Adventure Awaits This Summer

Attention, Charlotte-area D&D fans! We’d love to see you at our in person, half-day camps this summer in Davidson, North Carolina.

These games are open to all D&D enthusiasts, regardless of whether they’ve played the game before. We’re excited to meet old and new friends face-to-face!

A collection of dice, maps, and magical potions ready for D&D camp.

Monday 6/30-Friday 7/4

  • 9am-12pm, ages 10-12

  • 1pm-4pm, ages 12-16

Summer 2025 Camp Dates:

Monday 8/4-Friday 8/8

  • 9am-12pm, ages 10-12

  • 1pm-4pm, ages 10-12

Dungeons and Dragons Camp - The Details

We’re partnering with Davidson Community Players and the Town of Davidson to offer our D&D games as part of their super popular summer camp programming. This year we are offering 4 sections of our half-day camp!

Camps will meete at DCP’s Acting Studio at 18515 Old Statesville Rd.

We’ll embark on a full D&D campaign, try out shorter themed games each day, and maybe even give players a chance to step into the DM role.

Our Dungeons and Dragons Camp groups are very small—6 players maximum—to make sure everyone gets plenty of individual attention and time to play. We’ll have adult facilitators onsite at all times, plus extra support from DCP’s staff.

Teenage campers playing D&D.

The Benefits of D&D Camp for Kids

More than anything, we want kids to have a fun summer experience playing D&D with us. But if they pick up some bonus benefits along the way, that’s awesome, too. Playing Dungeons & Dragons has been proven to help kids develop social and emotional skils, simply by playing the game.

At D&D camp, players can:

  • Practice social skills with peers in a natural, non-awkward way

  • Learn how to confidently lead in a group setting

  • Meet likeminded local peers

  • Learn a new skill that they can use to connect with friends

Five children gather around a table covered in maps and miniatures to play D&D!

Frequently Asked Questions: Get Ready for Camp!

  • This year’s camps will meet at Davidson Community Player’s new Acting Studio at 18515 Old Statesville Rd in Cornelius, North Carolina.

  • We are holding camps the weeks of June 30th-July 4th and August 4th-August 8th this summer.

    Camps meet 3 hours per week, Monday-Friday. We’re running two camps—a morning and afternoon section—each week.

    Morning camps meet 9am-Noon, and afternoon camps meet 1pm-4pm.

  • Our tween camps are geared toward players ages 10-12. Our teen camp (the PM section the week of 6/30) is for ages 12-16.

  • The camp fee is $385 for Town of Davidson residents, and $390 for nonresidents.

  • Kids need a basic understanding of what D&D is like, so they know what to expect. It’s okay if they haven’t played a lot of D&D on their own! Check out our What is D&D? blog and video post to start learning about the game.

  • Please arrive to camp with a laptop or tablet (we’ll use this to make tracking their character’s stats easier) as well as a snack and water bottle. Dice, journals, and other D&D gear is optional but encouraged! We’ll have plenty of dice for those in need.

How to Register for Young Dragonslayers Camp

You can register for our camps through the Town of Davidson website. While you’re there, feel free to check out the other 129 camps offered this summer!

To view listings for all 4 of our camps, go to the website’s Summer Camps Page and run a search for “Young Dragonslayers.” If you already know what section you want, click the button below to be taken directly to that camp’s checkout page.

If you’ve never registered for a Town of Davidson camp before, you’ll be prompted to create a free account at checkout. This will allow you to share an email address to get updates about camp, as well as designate an emergency contact for your child.