10 Steps to Make Your Own Game Like D&D (With a Printable Guide!)
Here at Young Dragonslayers™, we love the game Dungeons & Dragons - it’s our bread and butter (or perhaps you could say, meat and ale)! It’s by far the most popular game of its kind, but it’s not the only one out there. Just like there are plenty of movies outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are plenty of tabletop roleplaying games outside of Dungeons & Dragons. You don’t have to be a math genius or have a super analytical mind (though you can use both of these skills in designing your game), just a creative idea and a little bit of elbow grease.
How to Reskin Monsters in D&D
You may have heard about “reskinning” in video games, whether that’s turning your Fortnite character into Harley Quinn or making your MOBA champion wear an anime costume. But in games like Dungeons & Dragons, where the visuals are only limited to the realms of your imagination, it costs nothing at all to simply give a dragon a top hat or turn an owlbear into a giant talking raccoon. Since there’s no coding required, it’s also entirely possible for that dragon to create tornadoes of fire or the raccoon to control minds. When starting to make these kinds of changes, though, you have to be careful: you don’t want to accidentally kill your players with a superpowered werewolf wizard or create a nonsensical enemy, like a giant with low strength. Luckily, there are some tried-and-true methods for D&D reskinning that avoid mistakes like this while still keeping your awesome ideas in the game.
A Complete Guide to D&D Monsters (And How to Make Your Own)
It’s time to pull back the curtain that your sneaky DM hides behind and uncover the secrets of how monsters work in Dungeons & Dragons. As a bonus, you’ll even learn how to create your own monster!
D&D Ability Scores: Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Join us, adventurers, on a deep dive into the world of DND ability scores. We’ll earn what the 6 types of scores are, what makes a “good” score, and how to calculate them to build your character. Let’s go!